My eyelids finally start opening, as I am walking down my wooden stairs.

I reach the kitchen and I begin cooking up some of my famous pink pancakes.

Shoving the last piece of my beautifully cooked pancake down my throat, I stand up and start to get ready for my first day of school.

I have butterflies in my stomach.

I get on the bus, standing there awkwardly and nervous at the front until I get enough courage to find a seat at the back.

I can feel the blood pumping rapidly around my body like a fast flowing river.


  • Hello Nicole, this story is so apt for us in England right now as is sums up first day nerves, our schools are just starting after summer break. You have nicely shown how scary it can be starting or changing school . I Think you have used the 100WC prompt very well and your story flows together from scene to scene smoothly. I particularly like how you use the idea of a fast flowing river for you bloodstream. Well done and thank you for a clear storyline.

    • Thank you so much Terry for your comment. It is so amazing that even people in England are coming on and reading our work. I decided to do this topic because this is how I feel when it is my first day of school as well.

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