Yeshaya’s next 100WC

But what colour should it be….. I asked myself as I took another glance at the gumball machine I made in technology.

“I think that red would suit it, although blue is looking at me with a VERY CHEESY grin,” I said to myself.

I took it to the painting table where three others were painting. I put down the gumball machine but it slipped out of my hands into the UGLY grey paint.

“NOOO!” I screamed as I saw a massive dob of grey paint on my design.

“I may as well paint the rest grey,” I spluttered ANGRILY!

Yeshaya has done the 100 Word Challenge this week.

…As I read the contents of the letter, I was aware of the smile on my face…

My report was so fantastic. I turned around and saw amazement on my parents’ faces,

“Well done Yeshaya your first ever report, that is pretty good!” my dad said in astonishment.

I asked my mum how I did – she gave me a little, “meh It’s alright I guess.”

“But mum this is my first ever report that is good!”

“You’re at standard in maths. I wanted you to be ABOVE STANDARD!” she shouted with frustration.

“Maybe next time son,” said my dad sorrowfully.